How Tromsart S95 Weathers the “TV Box Storm”

How Tromsart S95 Weathers the “TV Box Storm”

Tronsmart S95 series is not so much brand-new as it is a touch-up on its predecessors. However, it does accommodate to the demanding consumers of all levels by committing to heat dissipation performance, exceptional electromagnetic shield cover, high performance MCU processor as well as 6-layer PCBA.

Professional Heat Dissipation
To begin with, in an effort to lower the CPU temperature, the ideally located heat sink is exclusively designed with larger-than-average dimensions.

Electromagnetic Shield Cover
Don’t hold your breath for this to stop! In view of the health concerns our customers may    have, the Tronsmart team managed to keep the electromagnetic force of this series within reasonable limits with a dedicated electromagnetic shield cover, which in turn corresponds to the EMC standard.

Heat dissipation&Cover

Speaking of the MCU, a tiny computer (SoC) on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals, we don`t see much argument about it. Nevertheless, the one adopted by s95 series seems to overlook the crowd by validating powering on/off unfetteredly by remote, which is the deficiency of other counterparts. The added MCU does not only alleviates energy consumption, but also facilitates the user-friendliness.


6-Layer PCBA

It is all the more surprising given the adoption of 6-layer PCBA design which reduces high frequency emissions and susceptibility without breaking the bank. Plus, the superior heat dissipation and lower electromagnetic radiation also give credits to the distinctive 6-layer PCBA.

six layers PCBA



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