Dear all,
Glad to share Teclast X98 Air 3G (ID: C5J5) newest Android 5.0 firmware, which is trial version. please click this link to download: Teclast X98 Air 3G (C5J5)_android 5.0_trial version firmware.
Have a nice day!
You can upload a manual on how to install android 5.0 tablet in teclast x98, please!
Downloads Required
Android 5.0 Keyboard APK
Android 5.0 Keyboard
Steps to Install Android 5.0 Keyboard on Any Device Running KitKat or Jellybean
Download and Install a root explorer app such as ES File Explorer app (download here).
Go ahead and install Android 5.0 Keyboard APK from the download link above.
Browse to /system/lib directory on your phone and rename the file to, using a file explorer app of your choice. Ensure the file permissions are set to rw-r–r–.
Note:This is to ensure that you backup the current .so file before replacing it with the new version in next step.
Copy the new file you downloaded earlier to the /system/file directory on your phone.
You can now try launching the newly installed keyboard and check its functionality. If it fails to launch, just reboot the device once and it should work.