TV Boxes & Mini PCs

How to root RK3288 TV BOX and Tablet PC?

Rockchip release their new cpu rk3288 six month ago, however, the real products which base on this chip is just hitting the market. I have got a lot of samples for RK3288 device before,  I think it’s time to write some common instruciton for the RK3288 tv box and tablet pc.


Here is the basic instruction for how to root the Rockchip RK3288 Device, i test with the rk3288 tv box sample in my office, it can work well.  So here we go:

root tool download here

You must follow this instruction and install the usb drivers first in your windows PC:

Now what you should do is:

Open the root tool

connect your rk3288 device with your pc via USB cable, power on your rk3288 device;

go to your rk3288 device setting, in Developer Options, choose USB Debug, and then go to USB settings, choose “connect to PC”

Now the root tool will find the rk3288 device. and will check the root . Please note, there is strange things happen, the root will inform you the device is rooted, however, when it is not, you should click” root again” button and the root tool will work ,and your rk3288 device will restart.

Afer that, you will get root access for your rk3288 device.

So above the instruction for root rk3288 device, if you have any problem when you root the device, please feel free to leave comment.


PS: i try the old rk3188 root method, it’s failed, i tried the Towelroot,it’s also not working. this root tool is the only method i can find right now.  If you can find other root method, please also let me know.







  1. Andreas Anneflod

    Tried to root Teclast p90hd with this, it only installed two chinese apps that i cant read. No root in rootchecker, no acess in greenify or titanium. So maybe not all rk3288? Well i got some form of su but not root access, cant install su from playstore either… maybe the chinese apps but im lost.

  2. It should work for all of the rk3288 device, those chinese app can be uninstall after you root.

    please try to follow the instruction again,i am sure it can work. i have read in chinese forum, people also use this method to root their rk3288 tablet.