Finally Coming, 108K4 Firmware For Tronsmart Vega S89 Series, Add 1080P 24Hz,NTFS/CIFS Support,OTA Update etc
TV Boxes & Mini PCs

Finally Coming, 108K4 Firmware For Tronsmart Vega S89 Series, Add 1080P 24Hz,NTFS/CIFS Support,OTA Update etc

Finally, We are getting the 108K4 for the Tronsmart Vega S89 Series, and tronsmart follow their promise, and add the OTA update function. In future update, you can just click and update 🙂

So wha’ts the fully change log for 108k4?

1.Add 1080p, 24Ghz screen resolution
2.Support for NTFS/CIFS
3.Add the support for Mele F10 air mouse
4.Compatible with Xbox PS3 controller
5.Come with rooted
6.Add kill-recent-task function
7.Update xbmc to Gotham 13.1,fix 4k playback and 2160P/720P HDMI display issue
8.Add remote function in Recovery Mode.
9.Adjust MBXLauncher,add Yahoo wether and Clean-Memory function,fix slow animation issue;
10.Fix issue->Power-key of Remote might lead to reboot
11.Change Input method to Latin,and remote can use;
12.Update Play Store to latest version
13.Add OTA update function
Firmware Download link:
For Tronsmart Vega S89 Elite 8GB and Tronsmart Vega s89 Standard 16GB, please download here:
Tronsmart Vega S89 Standard&Elite users, please download here for USB Burning:

More convenience for SD updating clients, we release SD firmware:


For Tronsmart Vega S89-H users:

Firmware Download link for USB Burning:

More convenience for SD updating clients, we release SD firmware:


here is the instruction for how to flash the firmware:



You can click the Wireless Update app to get the OTA update in future.

also you can see, this 108K4 also come with pre-rooted.


We will flash all of our stock tronsmart vega s89 to the lastest 108K4 firmware!

buy the original Tronsmart vega s89 here:


any questions, feel free to leave comment below.







  1. Ps3 controller segmentation fault… (YAWN)

  2. OK I might need to apologise lol. Ps3 controller showing under Bluetooth settings but my battery has died. Will test later. Is that how you connect the controller?

  3. Unfortunately the 1080p 24hz setting is not working properly. Audio is totally missing with HDMI passthrough when running with this setting. Audio works as expected when running for example in 1080p 60hz mode.

  4. Couldn’t get the ps3 controllers through Bluetooth to work. Hopefully one day. Love the Vega except this

  5. Hi the device can’t go to boot system. i follow all procedure precisely.

  6. Hi the usb burning tool is also not working. what’s wrong. I need help here

  7. I solved the the problem with another nice and easy solution. I just go to the setting then update then update from file then click ok. that is all.

  8. Paid apps don’t show up in the play store after flashing. How do we fix that?

  9. Sorry to hear that, i will test and report back.

  10. Thanks for your feedback, we will test, and report back.

  11. Thanks for your feedback, we will push factory to solve that asap.

  12. Hi, i just test, i can find the modern combat 4, 5 from google play store. DO you need VPN to visit ? because we live in china, we need VPN to visit the google play store.

  13. HI, we just test it, and there is sound when i choose 1080P 24HZ, i test with hdmi passthrough,you should make sure you go to setting,and choose advanced, and then choose digital audio auto-detection, and change to hdmi passthrough,please double check.

  14. Hi everyone i’m a french user and i can’t install this firmware!!!!i’ve got this message in the recovery mode:”finding update package…opening update package…verifying update package…Efooter is wrong..E:signature verification failed Installation aborted.can you help me please

  15. Strange, please try to use the Burning tool update method.

  16. hi Eric, please could you help me find the stock firmware for IPEGA PG-9021?

  17. Hi,i must said that i made a mistake for the installation….i forgot to “unzip” the file before to install the new firmware throught the s.d card…but it seems perfect now!!!!thanks for the answer eric..:)…just i would like to make some suggestions for future update,please don’t forget there’re french users like me and it will be very cool to put a french version for the widget weather (wind/vent,location/endroit..)…and i hope for the future it will be possible to add some personal widget for the”t.v launcher”..thank you

  18. wired ps3 controller should work, the bluetooth ps3 controller with six axis should not work. wait for the new update.

  19. Hello,

    I have the Vega S89H, playing HD video on the XBMC stops after about 20 minutes (even files of ~3mbps cause that) .

    The S89H is connected via Ethernet to my network.
    I’m working with HDMI 1080P 60hz.

    I’d really want to make it work.
    TIA for any help.

  20. Hi,

    Thank you for keep updating the firmware.
    I have the Tronsmart Vega s89 Standard 16GB. I have updated my device with this latest firmware.
    I cannot play 3D.SBS movie as 2D in XBMC to my non-3D TV (the video keep shown as side-by-side even if i chose to show as 2D), but with the same version of XBMC for window, I can play it as 2D movie. Please help..

    Thanx in advance.

  21. Amlogic S802 chip don’t support blueray 3D, it is chip problem, not the device problem

  22. Hi

    Sorry to hear your problem. We will try to help, please let me know:
    1 which xbmc version are you using? the stock one, or the one you installed?
    2 which format video are you playing?MP4 RMVB or what others?
    3 do you have the same problem when you play via the stock player, not the xbmc?

  23. Hi,

    1. Tried the stock version of 107K4, upgraded XBMC to:

    then flashed the firmware to 108K4, used the stock XBMC to 108K4 version.

    Same issue on all.

    2. MKV file, Video/Audio details are:
    – Video bit rate is 9546 Kbps x264

    – Audio bit rate 1510 Kbps DTS

    3. What do you mean by the “stock player” the MXPlayer?
    I don’t know how to access a file on my Network from the android it self, most SMB
    clients I’ve tried only allow to download the file.

    I tried the “Media Center” app, first option DMP, found my desktop and shares, when I click MKV file, it crashes. avi (xvid) files played ok (20sec)

    — I’ve encountered a new issue, watched TV episode (streamed from internet) lost sound after ~30 minutes picture was still displayed fin, disconnected the HDMI cable and plugged it back to the Tronsmart fixed it.

  24. My wife git me the tronsmart s89 but I havent been able to get it to play at all, I used a 1080p projector (epson brightlink 480i) ,a 720p 32 inch tv, and a computer monitor and got nothing… is there a way I can get u guys to flash it for me?

  25. Hi,

    Just want to ask if there is a way to turn off the Tronsmart Vega s89 Standard 16GB from wireless querty keyboard (shortcut or key combination).

    Thanx before.

  26. interesting, what does the full mediainfo
    say about these files and what happens when you re-code them for mp4 container +aac codec.

    (still waiting for my s89 and related kit to ship after a week, so cant test right now OC)
    FOR %%A in (“*.mkv”) DO (

    ffmpeg.exe -threads 0 -i “%%A” -f mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 16 -minrate 900k -maxrate 2100k -bufsize 2100k -refs 3 -preset slow -vprofile high -strict -2 -acodec aac -ac 2 -ab 192k -vf yadif,hqdn3d,unsharp=5:5:0.5,gradfun “%%~nA.MP4”


    REM -vf yadif -vf gradfun -vf hqdn3d -vf unsharp=5:5:0.5,setdar=16:9



    save as ffmpeg-2100k-slow.bat in the place you keep your mkv’s along with ffmpeg there… and just double click the bat when you want to encode these mk’s

    as regards 3: streaming windows samba/cifs/SMB shares etc

    your simplest option is to just use the rather good
    Archos Video Player

    and its inbuilt cifs/SMB code, and it makes good use of these 2 gig ram devices too along with the option to use mx player and its external NEON SIMD library as its player if installed for those audio tracks that dont play in generic AVP ( AVP being for all intents and purposes a ffmpeg player wrapper).

    next simplest is installing “total commander” and its network/cifs/lan plug-in

    finally you can install one of the Cifs modules (there dont seem to be many generic Cifs modules made for android which is odd really…). so any app can use that for its \lan192.168.0.whatever connection…

  27. its not even a chip problem eric, roy its a software problem with the android XBMC not having all the patches that work on windows, report it to the XBMC dev’s….

    the usual way to do this is to take the stereo (not really 3D) video and use MakeMKV on the original stereo side by side video tracks and re-code one of makemkv video tracks to a generic single video +acc inside an mkv or mp4 container

    a 3D.SBS inside the transport stream container is in effect two video tracks inside the container ,hence why you sometimes see 2D and others 2 side by side images depending on the player used, the windows 3D.SBS to 2D works by stripping the second stream off before its displayed the android version must be missing some patches so needs reporting so they can fix it.

    roy, i cant give you an exact ffmpeg/avconv line to use to make these stereo video’s into a 2d recode but it involves” -map 0:0 -map 0:2″ depending on your mediainfo output on these files

    you will probably see inside the makemkv mkv file two video streams with a different mapping for each, choose one and remap that and your audio to make another mkv or mp4 container

    for instance this will remap another audio stream other than the first one , adapt t as needed for remapping one of the two video files streams

    you can also just copy the streams rather than re-code them but its better to understand the process so ill keep the working audio remapping here for your reference


    FOR %%A in (“*.mkv”) DO (

    avconv.exe -threads 4 -i “%%A” -f mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 18 -minrate 800k -maxrate 1800k -bufsize 1800k -refs 3 -preset slower -vprofile high -flags2 -bpyramid -wpredp 0 -strict experimental -acodec aac -ac 2 -ab 192k -map 0:0 -map 0:2 -vf gradfun,hqdn3d,unsharp=5:5:0.5 “%%%~nA.MP4”


    REM -vf yadif -vf gradfun -vf hqdn3d -vf unsharp=5:5:0.5,setdar=16:9



  28. Hello Eric, can i root the device? With an pre-rooted i can not start the watchever apk (its like netlix).

  29. 108K4 FIRMWARE works great
    Only issue with tronsmart vega s89 is it’s internal wifi antenna it’s range it very low,
    Can I use USB WiFi Wireless Network Card ?? like

    Will it work??

  30. its an interesting point and in theory all you need is the right wireless code base to compile a wireless module and copy its working firmware to the right directory for the given chip inside, however iv noticed that geekbuying vendors don’t seem to provide the required wireless chip information and links to the FLOSS code so you have to take pot luck and hope the chip is covered.

    in my case ,given no current vendor seems willing to make and sell a generic quad/octacore cortex device that included [UK] DVB-T2 and/or DVB-S2 integrated chip, so i too am looking for the easiest way to compile these usb wireless/dvb/whatever 3rd party chips i buy, and make loadable modules for loading at run time on the provided current s89 android/linux kernel version…..

    eric whats the simplest pre-configured linux live cd for the given android version you currently supply with all the dev tools pre-configured to generate any needed FLOSS modules , and whats the simplest way to load these generated kernel modules permanently ?

  31. It can not work because lack of such drivers.

  32. 108K4 should come with rooted.

  33. Eric,
    so is there any workaround?. Any way I can increase Wi-Fi signal strength?.
    I have a N router placed in another room and still it will show
    2 bar in wifi, device will not connect to internet. Network and internet only
    work If I see 3 bar, that only come when router is in same room, that’s too bad
    signal strength, while my iphone, ipod and Nexus 7 tab manage to take same router
    signal even outside of my house; 3 time more range.

  34. hello eric,are you from china?I come from china,and i was working on Xiaomi MiBox2’s stock firmware . I want to know how to make the .img format packages ,it may help me to Flash a third-part recovery image to the box ? this will help me to get the mibox2 rooted .my Email is,please contact me!thanks!

  35. I installed the firmware – no problems. However, when using Beyond XBMC, the video seems to jitter every 30 mins for approx 30 secs; while audio seems to be fine. Anyone else getting this issue? How to solve it?

  36. Hi i would like to said there’s a big problem with the bluetooth!!!!it’s impossible to make file transfer or anything like this each time i try i’ve got a faile!!!!!have you got any solution for fix it??