Minix just release the newest beta firmware, it should be the beta 005 now, hope they can release the official firmware soon.
So here is the beta 005 firmware change log:
1.) Fixed deep sleep wakeup audio loss/video slow down bug (a BETA 3/ BETA 4 bug);
2.) New weather service provider for MINIX launcher (;
3.) Weather service now could be switched between °C/°F;
4.) 1080P 23.976Hz output support;
5.) Top status bar show/hide support (SETTINGS -> “Hide status bar” option)
6.) m3u8 fixes;
7.) SPDIF clock auto-standby is back (Removing it causing deep sleep wakeup bug of 1.);
8.) System’s VPN fixes;
Firmware Download link is here
Welcome to try this firmware,and report feedback. We will push minix to fix that.
Get the original NEO X8/x8-h here:
The link did not work well. Could you give another link to download? Thx.
hi there,
I just tryed the link and got a error!
Yes,because they release the newest beta firmware, version is beta 007, you can download here
I’ll be trying this one out!
Thums up for Geekbuying!