TV Boxes & Mini PCs

[ROM Download] Tronsmart Vega S89 Standard and Elite version new stock firmware solve the XBMC A/V SYNC problem

hi guys:

We just get the new firmware for the Vega s89 standard and elite. The factory just solve the XBMC A/V Sync problem. No other changelog.If you don’t want to flash the new firmware, i am uploading a new XBMC apk, you can just install the apk later.

Update: I just upload the XBMC apk,you can  download here:

Since in my last firmware release, some standard users report they lost the 5g wifi, so please help to check the new firmware, if it is ok? because i just get the firmware, haven’t got time to test, if you don’t want to take the risk to try, you can wait for my test result tomorrow.

ok, here we go

New stock firmware for tronsmart vega s89 elite

New stock firmware for tronsmart vega s89 standard

The both file are all img file, you should use amlogic usb tools to flash them. the instruction is here

you should use method 2.


Update on 9th May, for standard users, if you flash the new firmware, and lost the 5g wifi, you can try the following method to fix:

Use Root Explorer+ (root enabled)

Copied config.txt to usb drive ,

Edited ccode=CN to ccode=ALL,


Copied Edited Saved config.txt back to system/etc/firmware/

Restart the Wifi

Problem solved.

Please fogive the slow download speed,  i haven’t got time to reupload to other place, will finish that tomorrow.

If you can’t wait to try this, please help to leave feedback.




Geekbuying Blog


  1. it worked …… love you so much brb (no homo ) but the only problem that i have with this update is that 5g connection dont show up …. but any way thank you very much , i hope that the next update will fix it , ple keep up the good work :))

  2. google play stored not working lolol

  3. Avatar photo

    why it don’t work? can you declare it clearly?

  4. it just dont connect to the the google playstore … no matter what i try it just dont connect … did it happen to your device .. my is the elite version

  5. i cant do anything … no you tube , app no g mail , cant connect to the google play store…. , the only thing that work find is xbmc , and that it ,.. can u please help me out , thank you very much , noticed :the browser is working find o((

  6. Avatar photo

    back to the old firmware, and just installed the newest xbmc apk i just upload.

  7. if i back to the old frimware, the xbmc a//v sync gonna be fine????

  8. Avatar photo

    back to the old firmware, and just install the newest xbmc apk i offer in this post, and problem solved.

  9. Google market is not working. When will the Chinese learn to make good firmware? Powerful TV boxes and software worst.

  10. Thank you for the help , it worked , this is a great tv box , it just need some good update, i know tthat you guys work reallly hard to fix every single problem on this device , ple keep up the work . And for who having the same problem that i do , ple install the old frimware and just install the xbmc apk on this page , problem will be solve :))

  11. Hello

    I installed the xbmc apk file and it does solve the audio sync issues when watching movies (locally from HD or local network), but now there is an audio sync issues (delay) when watching from XBMC extensions (streaming from the internet). Please advice

  12. Aiman Abdullah

    hello everyone
    I would like to share with you all my experience of using vega s89. overall the device is great performance with more than 25,000 points according to antutu and good looking. I have tested the Ethernet, WiFi, usb, and Bluetooth all are working perfectly, but there are few bugs Tronsmart must fix it. there are issues in the screen orientation for some apps for instant GLarab.apk , antutu.apk and other apps. I will record a video on the issues and I will put the link here.


  13. Avatar photo

    I just flash the newest firmware on the vega s89 standand version, and test google play store, i can login in and download apps, whats your problem? can you share?

  14. I just flashed the rom and I can connect to the google store but the audio sync problems were not solved. Very disappointing. I thought this product will be better then the regular Chinese products.

  15. Reinstalled the latest rom. XBMC audio sync looks good. Can’t connect to the google store….

  16. Aiman Abdullah

    1. there are some games and apps does recognise the Ethernet and keep asking for connection to internet by WiFi for exp. asphalt 8.

    2. as i said earlies there are an issues in the screen orientation. i have share a picture of some apps i install normally from Google play but when i run those apps i found the issue. i had mk908 and i did not have this bugs. please refer the link below.

  17. Avatar photo

    Can you describe the problem of google play store well? or give me some error message? i test google store here, it can works.

  18. Hi Eric

    As I wrote, with the latest update the Audio Sync issues are resolved but when trying to access google store, it says no connection.

  19. Aiman Abdullah

    Hello Eric

    Google store is working very well. can you please check this bugs for me. the device is connected to the Ethernet some apps or game did not recognise the internet for Ethernet so it keep asking for connection through the WiFi. example for a game is asphalt 8 example for apps is GLARAB. please install these apps and run then on the vega s89 standard.

  20. >>Can you describe the problem of google play store well? or give me some error message? i test google store here, it can works

    I installed 101k4 Elite ROM and when I run Google Play for the first time it prompts me for Google Account login – I input my account and password and it authenticates well, but when it returns to the Google Play application it shows white screen and plain “No connection” sign in the middle (with “retry” button right under it), hence no Google apps work (they want Google services update, but can’t) XBMC does work and plain browsing works, but no Google Play – same both for WiFI and Ethernet

    I’ve a feeling that this is a connectivity problem – maybe because of geotartgeting (I’m in Russia) – Google Play does work from the same location for other Android devices (phones and tablets) – it would seem as if Vega S89 is trying up a different Play server, which is not accessible – as if it resets a connection instantly (does this ROM, by chance, use a fixed hosts set – like stored in a hosts file?) but I could be wrong and this is a really awkward ROM bug

    Before that – with 100k4 Google Play wouldn’t work either – it would just display loading ring endlessly.

  21. Avatar photo

    try to use another network or restart the wifi to test. i don’t think it’s the problem of the firmware, because other customers said they can use google play without problem, guess it is your network problem.


  22. Check the settings in the date, the date may go astray and because of this does not work and Google play. Rock chip was such a problem umnekotoryh after flashing, it turned out that you just need to set the correct date and the problem was solved.

  23. Aiman Abdullah


    is the vega S89 support web camera? I did not see any camera app in the stock rom.

  24. Hi. Can you confirm the sixaxis app works please. I were getting segfaults on the old firmware. Thanks

  25. Benjamin Lilly

    Eric I purchased the Vega s89 on the 21 st of April and received the item Friday and am very happy with it. It appears that Tronsmart forget to put the three screws in bottom under the rubber feet that hold the top to the bottom. If at all possible can you have them send me three replacement screws. Order number 3154892.

  26. Avatar photo

    Please contact with our customer service 🙂

  27. Avatar photo

    Yes, it support, just insert your UVC webcamera, and then you will find the web camera app.

  28. What about NFS client support? I can’t mount nfs share 🙁

  29. When playing Asphalt 8 the device still reboots after few minutes of racing. Does anybody encountTer similar problem? (s89 elite, finless ROM). It’s ROM related or hardware issue? Thanks!