How to update firmware on tronsmart vega s89 amlogic s802 quad core tv box, should work for all amlogic device…
TV Boxes & Mini PCs

How to update firmware on tronsmart vega s89 amlogic s802 quad core tv box, should work for all amlogic device…

There are two ways to update the firmware for tronsmart vega s89 amlogic s802 quad core tv box:

1) SD Card flash method;

2) USB Burning Tool with windows PC to flash;

It depends on which firmware you get, if you just get one *.img file, then you should use the burning tool to flash. if you get firmware like this:

How to update firmware on tronsmart vega s89 amlogic s802 quad core tv box, should work for all amlogic device…then you can use the SD card to do the update.

Now let’s check the two update method:

1) SD Card update.

-Download the firmware, and you will usually get three files,:factory_update_param.aml recovery.img  and one ZIP file.
– Copy all of the firmware file(factory_update_param.aml recovery.img, u-boot.bin and one ZIP file) to one sd card;
– Make sure your  device is powered off and power cable removed.
– Insert SD card with extracted files in root directory.
– Insert a match or a toothpick to reset button – you will feel a click. (the reset button is in the AV hole in the back)
– Power on the vega s89 box by inserting power cable, while holding the match in the reset hole.
– It will boot to recovery and start installing ROM. Good. It will restart when finished (you can connect with HDMI cable, so you can see the update process in your tv or monitor)

And now let’s check how to use USB Burning Tool to flash the firmware.

Download the usb buring tool here:

extract the file:USB_Burning_Tool_v2.0.0.140306_Alpha_x86.rar

and you will get an *.exe file, run it, and follow the instruction,it will help to install the burning tool on your pc.

and in order to make sure you don’t have drivers problem, we suggest you to install this tool in your pc first:

Now run the usb burning tool, you will see this:

How to update firmware on tronsmart vega s89 amlogic s802 quad core tv box, should work for all amlogic device…

Click “file” and choose”import image”, choose the .img file you just download,

How to update firmware on tronsmart vega s89 amlogic s802 quad core tv box, should work for all amlogic device…

Now it’s important step, Make sure your vega s89 device is power off, use the micro usb cable to connect vega s89 with PC. use the toothpick to press the update button(hide in the AV port hole), and at the same time, connect the power adapter with vega s89, press the power on button(keep press the update button during this time), and then the burning tool will find a new usb device:

How to update firmware on tronsmart vega s89 amlogic s802 quad core tv box, should work for all amlogic device…

and then click start button to flash. It will take 5-8 mins to finish the flash.


Above is two method to flash the firmware. if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

It will work for all of the amlogic device.Correct me if i am wrong.





Geekbuying Blog


  1. Do they work on Windows 8.1 or do we need to use old Windows laptops/desktops?

    Gopichand Pai

  2. Avatar photo

    I test on windows 7 PC, i will try on windows 8.1 and report back.

  3. it does not work with win 64 bit

  4. Avatar photo

    my pc is win 7 64 bit, it can work, please declare your problem clearly.

  5. USB Burning Tool installs fine on Win 8.1 64 Bit, but it not founds my Tronsmart Vega 89 Elite TV box. Firmware for SD card is not available, so I wasn’t able to update firmware on my device.

  6. what is the build number of this firmware?

  7. same problem with me, i have win 8.1 64 bit, my tronsmart Vega is not detected in USB Burning Tool. My build number of the Vega s89 is 100k4

  8. I cant run the USB Burning tool – it comes up with aWindows error – “the procedure entry point USB_reset_ex could not be located in the dynamic link library libusb0.dll”. Using Win 7 64 bit.

  9. how to install drivers on win7 for VegaS89? i tried you suggestion but it cant recognized device.
    I am assuming that above issue is reason because burn tool can’t recognized device
    Please provide details how to upgrade firmware in that case.

  10. Hi Eric,

    I have a big problem with the tronsmarts89 elite after play the xbmc media stream file such as movies in the xbmc mashup the xbmc kickme back to a lock screen & require a password to excess the andriod main menu.Luckily i manage to deactivate the password & also under security i unchecked all.But it still appear again the lock screen.Can you help?


  11. “factory_update_param.aml recovery.img, u-boot.bin and one ZIP file” where to get these files

  12. Hi Eric,I am having problems with Gotham 13 RC1 latest firmware and there being some glitches with regards to add-ons in Gotham for the S89 elite device. Some add-on authors have not yet updated their add-on coding in order to support this new Gotham version of XBMC yet which is why many of them may not yet be working.Like example popular add on such as Icefilms & others add on.


  13. Avatar photo

    why you don’t use the xbmc version which in the stock firmware.

  14. Hi Eric,
    How to make factory reset ?
    last tried with burn tool was unsuccessfully because it cant recognized device.
    Could you provide instruction?

  15. Hi Eric,

    Im using the latest stock firmware 13 RC1 XBMC updated by your link.I suggest the master of this copy had to work on it as too improved as many repo are imcompatible.

  16. When I try to load the file image I get the following message “Parse burning iamge fail”. Is there something I can do to fix this?

  17. Update: I unpacked the .rar file with a different program and no longer get the parse image fail. It took a few tries to get my PC to recognize the Vega and it’s a bit weird that a completed message doesn’t come up with the burning tool finishes but the final product is great. XBMC runs super smooth now.

  18. Hi, Eric – when installing firmware by SD card method, when do I stop holding the toothpick on the reset button?

  19. After using toothpick I am getting these options
    – Apply update from adb
    – apply update from ext
    – apply update from cache
    – wipe data/partion
    – wipe cache
    Should I apply update from adb or ext?

  20. Hi Eric,

    The tronsmart vega IR remote which have the menu button dont work well with
    the recent updated Xbmc.You cant adjust the volume amplication using the IR
    remote control.I guess tronsmart should enhance the Xbmc especially certain
    skin like Aeon nox to allow menu button to pop out the display of the video menu.

    Aside from tat the subtitle also does not work with Aeon skin.Tronsmart only
    concentrate on the xbmc default skin.

  21. Where is the .IMG file that is needed to use the USB flash tool???????

    the video display does not work over HDMI so I am unable to use the SD card method.

  22. Thank you Eric so much! You are a great help & a wonderful person!
    I just did update my s89-h by SD card method; it helped me connect to the google play store.

    Just need a bit more help- when I connect the mele f-10 pro remote, the sound goes away from my tronsmart vega s89-h; when I remove the remote receivcer from s89-h, the sound comes back. Do you have a solution for this?
    Best Regards,
    Anil Mahapatra
    Mumbai, India

  23. Will any of the 2 methods keep existing installed apps and setting intact after update?

  24. no, you should use Titanium backup to back up your data, and app before flash.

  25. my box is not recognized by the usb tools

  26. Have you installed the drivers correctly? now there is no correct drivers for the windows 8, maybe you should try the SD card update method.

  27. My device (Amlogic S812 chil, model is S806) doesnt have SD card slot or microUSB slot.
    I have an .img firmware. What cable do I need to connect to Windows7 PC? Will usb-a to usb-a in the OTG port work?

  28. I’m trying to do this but getting ” Parse burning image fail” error when trying to import file?

  29. you need an USB with OTG to get it work.

  30. Please try again.If the problem still exists,please contact our customer service via

  31. Tried to import official TWRP image file. The program gave error saying “Parse burning image fail.” Checked error log. Tells me the image file has Bad file descriptor. Yeah, tell that to the people over at Team Win TWRP. I’m sure they are definitely NOT including bad file descriptors in their image files. Also saw their error crash dump. I’m sure NOT going to send anybody not completely trusted a dump full of binary stuff I can’t read in an ANSI file. This is incredibly total garbage. And this is BEFORE I ever got a chance to burn the image to SD. I’ve tried a ton of “reviewed” software claiming to do this. Guess the only way is really to do ADB sideloads even as much of a pain as that is.

  32. please contact our customer service via they will fix it.

  33. sorry but i have bought a device today (MX III) and it doesn’t start (the red light never changes to blue), any idea how to fix it ? (sorry also if this isn’t the correct section).

  34. GeekBuyingBlog

    Did you buy it from that is the case,please contact our customer service via website live chat or email(

  35. Mohamed Hassan

    no i buy it from amazon.

  36. Mohamed Hassan

    no i buy it from another seller

  37. you have to contact the seller to exchange a new one .