TV Boxes & Mini PCs

[ROM Download] Q7 Quad Core Android 4.2 TV BOX New Stock Firmware Release

HI guys:

Here is the newest stock firmware for the Q7 quad core tv box. if you don’t know if your device is Q7, read this post

you can download the stock firmware here:

the new stock firmware remove some built-in chinese app, and add the support for RMVB videos. also it built in a XBMC version, however, i have tested the XBMC version and compare with the beyond xbmc version, i find the beyond xbmc is way better. you can read the information for beyond xbmc here


How to update the firmware?

you may need the flash tool here

if you have problem to install the drivers on your pc, you can try this instruction

and the detail instructions, please just follow this one:


it should be the same.




Geekbuying Blog


  1. Thank you. But Wi fi does not work (not connected), the remote does not work properly (entanglement button).

  2. Avatar photo

    are you using this firmware on the Q7 tv box?

  3. Flashed this rom on my Q7 TV Box and there is flickering issue

  4. is there anyway to install the CWM without root on the Q7?

  5. The new firmware doesn’t fix the video stuttering issue when streaming online content in XBMC, there are no useful custom rom’s either. Beyond XBMC still has choppy video, I know I have 2 of them! These boxes are useless until somebody fixes the firmware.

  6. Avatar photo

    the developer on freaktab is working on it. please wait for the custom rom.

  7. I need help !!! After new firmware recording a Apps (apps D3GO) reports error “Device rooted” . Is this Firmware Store ROM or not ?!

  8. I have an issue with the 20140227 firmware: only 1GB of usable flash space, after installing some software, only less than 200 MB space left. There is a 5.2 GB partition of ‘Nand Flash’ which is totally wasted as I can not install software to that space nor can I move installed software to that space.

  9. Q7 Android TV Box Bricked – Unable to flash firmware due to “Download Firmware Fail” error


    I have recently purchase a Q7 Android TV Box from Geekbuying,…ck-324259.html

    After pressing the recovery button on the back of the device it will no
    longer work, it only displays a black image and remains that way.

    After searching through most of the threads related i have decided to flash the firmware .

    I am using Rockchip Batch Tool v1.7 to flash the firmware.

    The firmware is…/#.Uxp1C4UVAdE.

    In order to enter recovery i plugged in the micro usb cable while
    holding the recovery button pressed. The square in the Rockchip Batch
    Tool turns GREEN and it recognise the device.

    After that i clicked Upgrade/Restore. Eventually i receive the error
    “Download firmware fail ” in Rockchip Batch tool.

    Tried other stock roms and custom roms specifically for my type of device, same error every time : “”Download firmware fail “”

    What am i doing wrong? Can it be fixed or is it bricked permanently?

  10. Just make sure you erase the IDB with “RKAndroid Tool 1.37” (google for that) then use the stock firmware. You will be back on business quite fast 🙂