TV Boxes & Mini PCs

How to flash rockchip android tv box in Windows 8.1?

Hi guys:

We found this instruction from interenet, and we haven’t tried it yet, but some people said it can work.

Because rockchip hasn’t release the usb drivers for windows 81. so if you have a windows 8.1 system, and want to flash your android tv box, you should follow this;

  1. Connect your device to the computer in flash mode. The computer will say “USB Device Not Recognized”. Go to Device Manager and you will see your device listed as “Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)” in “Universal Serial Bus controllers” section
  2. Now in “Universal Serial Bus controllers” section you should also have “USB Root Hub”’s (might be several of them). Click through them and find the one that has “Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)” in the “Power” tab (should be next to General).
  3. Right click on that “USB Root Hub” and press “Disable”. Now you should have a small arrow pointing down on the USB Root Hub icon and the “Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)” should have disappeared.
  4. Now you have to go to the folder where the RKBatchTool is located on your system. Find the file “config.ini” and open it. Find the section where it says:

#SUPPORTLOWUSB=TRUE时,扫描支持full speed usb设备,默认只支持high speed usb设备

Write TRUE next to the second “SUPPORTLOWUSB=”

It should be like this:

#SUPPORTLOWUSB=TRUE时,扫描支持full speed usb设备,默认只支持high speed usb设备

Save the file and open the RKBatchTool as usual and you should see the green square in Connected Devices.

Now you will be able to flash the rom. The flashing process might take longer than usual but it works.

P.S: If you have never previously installed Rockchip drivers on your system you might need to do those steps before doing the ones above:
1) First you need do reboot windows with driver signature disabled: configure->change pc settings-> update & recovery -> recovery-> advanced startup -> troubleshoot -> advanced options -> restart -> 7

2) After reboot, go to folder where is windows 8 rockchip driver: right click on rockusb.inf and click install.


Windows 8.1 users, please help to try this instruction,and report back.





Geekbuying Blog


  1. I tried these step but it didn’t not work for me. 🙁

  2. Avatar photo

    :(, is there any other tried?

  3. Negative – ADB Works in non flash mode.

  4. I was able to get it to switch but then the flash tool still can’t see the device

  5. Works for me! Currently get a “Download firmware failed” might be the image though.

  6. Work for me on 8.1 64b

  7. Doesn´t work =( I get connection in RKBatchtool between computer and RK3188-device but when trying to install firmware it get stuck in the process “Downloading firmware” at 0 % and then aborts/fails. Have tried with 2-3 different firmware isos and still the same problem. Very frustrating …

  8. Avatar photo

    Have you seen the 1 change to green colour before you flash?

  9. This worked fine, thank you! You should also publish a how-to using rkflashtool in Ubuntu 😉

  10. Well it does recognize the device but it fails at flashing.

  11. OK finally worked! After following this instructions just install this

  12. same problem under 8.1 x64 – no chance to get it running

    finally got it with an old xp laptop. set the flag to true as mentioned above

    thats it…

  13. I tried everthing but nothing changes… doesnt recognize my device! the flag still down. Next step, try to find some xp computer 🙁

  14. I honestly don’t know why anyone has not commented here, but it took me a while to find this page. I swear that it took me a whole day to find this solution but it helped. I now have 4.4.2 on my iMito MX1. Thanks a zillion.

  15. :), thanks for your feedback!

  16. virus here, bitch