Phones & Accessories

CWM RECOVERY Mode For Tronsmart TS7 Glacier 4G

Today I’m glad to share with you the CWM RECOVERY  for Tronsmart TS7 Glacier 4G


Click here to download CWM RECOVERY img for Tronsmart TS7 Glacier 4G.

1. First you need to root you TS7,   below FYI

2. you should install MOBILEUNCLE MTK TOOL on your phone (from google play store)

3. place recovery which you download here in the root of your phone’s SD card (not in any folder).

3. open the MOBILEUNCLE MTK TOOL and allow it use superuser right, go to the Recovery Update. You should see the recovery you placed in your SD card. Select it and click on OK. Finally, choose reboot to Recovery.  a yellow exclamation mark would appear, then press power again,  your phone should boot into your new cwm recovery now.

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  1. Work on 8GB version ??

  2. The archive request a password, and what it is?