K-R42 Quad Core RK3188 TV BOX New Android 4.2 Stock Firmware,Solved Netflix Problem
TV Boxes & Mini PCs

K-R42 Quad Core RK3188 TV BOX New Android 4.2 Stock Firmware,Solved Netflix Problem

Ok, guys, K-R42 got the new stock firmware, in our effort, factory finally release the new firmware, which fix the netflix problem, now Netflix can work on K-R42 tv box.

Here is the firmware download link:


password: geekbuying.com


Here is the instruction for how to install the stock firmware:



Here is the screenshot after you made the update:

K-R42 Quad Core RK3188 TV BOX New Android 4.2 Stock Firmware,Solved Netflix Problem

K-R42 Quad Core RK3188 TV BOX New Android 4.2 Stock Firmware,Solved Netflix Problem

K-R42 Quad Core RK3188 TV BOX New Android 4.2 Stock Firmware,Solved Netflix Problem

Geekbuying Blog


  1. Only netflix fix ? Or something else was change ?

  2. Geekbuying , please force the manufacture or pay to someone for 1080p rom . This box is useless without it. Watching Full HD movies/for what I bough it/ is pointless with max resolution of 1280×720. This Rockhip uses 28nm technology and the heat less then ever , so please …

  3. Avatar photo

    We are doing on that. that’s why you choose geekbuying, we always know what our customers know,and push the factory to release the correct firmware.

  4. Avatar photo

    What other change do you need?

  5. If I buy the K-R42 from Geekbuying.com today, would it come with the latest firmware (with Netflix working)?

  6. Avatar photo

    Yes, it will load the newest firmware with netflix working!

  7. Eric any progress of the 1080p? Perhaps Bob can be used for some help? I’ve also noticed that there is NO DTS/DOLBY DIGITAL passthrough through SPDIF.Could you please solve this ? The hardware (sound chip) is capable of this, but the software is not yet. I ‘ve tried every option but still no Dts/Dd.

  8. It is already possible to watch Youtube. Thank you.

  9. This firmware support can CS918?

  10. Yeah please ask for a update and maybe one with 1080p kernel.
    A finles for this device would be awesome too.

  11. Just purchased K-R42.
    Hope it will get 1080p video support as many people have asked for that.

  12. Is there external bluetooth support ?

  13. No bluetooth external support , and no DOlby DIgital /DTS passthrough and no 1080p rom. Cheers

  14. I dont know why you guys all want bluetooth? Just google about bluetooth implementation into android tv and you will see it only brings more troubles to wifi stability. You can connect as many wifi gadgets as you want, just use USB switch. For me it is better to have more stable wifi without bluetooth.

  15. Agree with Aleksandr,
    Bluetooth is not necessary at all unless you want to hook up some portable bluetooth speaker. But for this tv box we desperately need true 1080p resolution. It is miserable to watch Full HD movies on this not even 720p. Awful ! I regret for buying this product instead of other more popular and supported.

  16. Eric on your question “What other change do you need?”
    I think its obvious what we need. Full HD experience. This TV set top box was made for this , and Kingnovel must be ashamed of releasing this with 720p. The heat is not the issue with this new Rockchip

  17. Which camera is supported in this?. Logitech C525 web cam was working with mk808. This not working in stock firmware of R-K42.. I am not able to use for skype.

  18. Avatar photo

    We test with Logitech C170,it can work.

  19. Is it getting 1080 resolution output? You advertise it has this but it does not. It needs to be fixed ASAP.

  20. Just arrived…there is a way to root it?

  21. Netflix still has some bugs. Movies freeze after you watch them for a while although the sound continues normally.

  22. when the developers will add support for 1080p?

  23. Richard Capewell

    I also request DTS/DOLBY DIGITAL passthrough through SPDIF, I thought I was doing something wrong until I read this forum. I can’t get digital sound to work at all with Netflix, only analog, however two channel digital sound works with MX player.

  24. Hello…notice Q7 already release 4.4 Kitkat. What about this model then? Accidentally flash Q7 over this model but wifi does not work…please help to push for update…