ok, guys, bob at freaktab give us a surprise during the weekend, and release his first custom rom for Tronsmar T428.
Features and release notes for 1.4 ROM:
1) Rooted and new SU and Superuser applied that supports Android 4.2.2
2) Stock ROM was only 500 Megs of APP space. Be default this is increased to 1gig in my ROM.
BUT you also have parameter file options!
There are also 2gb, 4gb and 6gb options.
Read below for how to change that in the flash tool.
Realize if you use this 6gb option, internal SDcard will only have about 600 megs of free space!
2) As always, full init.d support! If you do not know what that is… ignore it. For geeks that want to use it. It is there!
3) I enabled location services. This is now in the settings menu. Tested and working with all APPs that use it.
remember to turn off GPS as we have no GPS.
4) Gameloft fix. This fixes Gameloft games from crashing to the desktop.
Many of them do not run and crash to the desktop. This is due to a license check based on the device.
Special thanks to Christian Troy for inventing this fix. I modded it for this ROM.
5) Build.prop edit to open up the Google Play store to APPs that normally say “not compatible”.
I am spoofing a Samsung device that will show almost any APP as compatible.
Your device will show up in google play as Samsung device nopt a t428 or RKSDK! Understand this please.
I also left the original buiild.prop in the ROM called build.orig.
If you want to go back, just use ES FIle Explorer or a root file explorer and rename build.prop to build.old
Then rename build.orig to build.prop.
Go into settings, apps, all and go into the Google Play app. Clear the cache and data.
Reboot! You should be back to showing up as a Minis Nexo X5.
6) RK Mirroring is enabled. I have yet to figure it out or how to use it but if we ever do, its there.
I think we need a client on our tablets to use it. Hopefully more info will come from WiMo about this.
Also new to Android 4.2.2 is Wifi display. If you have another 4.2.2 phone or tablet you can share your
devices screen on your TV.
7) Remote Control using RK Remote APP is now fully supported!
In the ROM kit is a RKRemoteControl.apk.
You install this on your phone or tablet and now it can remotely control your TV player!
Just put the APK on sdcard or something and install it on your Android phone, tablet, etc.
ENJOY this one! I had a HARD TIME getting it to work!
8) I added a reboot APP that will allow optional reboot options like reboot to bootloader (flash mode).
9) It appears Xpad.ko is in the kernel already for Xbox controller support.
However since I do not have a xbox controller I cannot test or confirm this.
Please let me know if it works.
10) USB mass storage support.
Stock ROM this is set as a MTP device and there is not longer settings support to change it in 4.2.2!
I modified build.prop to change it from MTP to Mass Storage as I prefer this as it gives removable storage
for the external SDcard as well as internal SDcard.
On boot up if your connected to a PC you will get a start screen telling you USB is connected.
This is how a tablet works too. If you turn it on from this screen you will see your removable
drives on your PC.
I removed the USB on/off setting as it did not work at all so was useless.
This is also why I changed it to Mass storage.
If you want to change it back, just edit build.prop.
For more information ALWAYS read the README in the ROM kit!
Here are the links for 1.4 ROM
ROM -> Tronsmart t428 Finless 1.4 ROM (250 megs)
Welcome to report any problem for this custom rom!
no 8 gb micro cd carte reading, but does not read 8 gb flash drive and a 180 GB hard drive, but you see when you insert clicking on:” Error reading, check this file is readable placed.” Letter involved
Thanks, i’ll be testing on this weekend.
What happened? Were you able to test?
Does not recognize wired internet connection. Using KY-AX88772ALF usb adaptor. When i connect it i can see the blue light but no interet connection. I can’t even connect my apple wireless keyboard and mouse.
I cant type on my Bluetooth keyboard, it is connected.
Why cant i use the map usb_storage to connect my external USB drive, is give an error, map is not emty. When i look with file manager HD in that map it says emty.
Please help.
Please use this firmware:
it fix the bluetooth problem you are talking!