TV Boxes & Mini PCs

Custom Rom for Tronsmart Promethues is finally coming!!!

Hi guys:

Finally,finally,finally, we get the custom rom support for Tronsmart Promethus, this custom rom is based on the newest android 4.2 rom i release some days ago. and here is the changelog for it:

1) Rooted with an updated SU and Superuser.apk that works with 4.2.2

2) I have added the Google Play Store without all the junk Google apps!

3) I updated the play store and any APPs that needed it except Search.
For some reason I cannot update that in the ROM.
Bottom line as of May 25, nothing should need to be updated except Google Search.

4) Debloated of a huge amount of crap apps!
The Google play patch added so much stuff it just had to be removed!
Also I remove all the other BS bloat in this stock ROM.

5) I have removed the stupid first boot “welcome and setup” script.
There is no reason for it and it just burns up APP space which is limited on this device anyway!
If you need this thing to setup wifi, etc…
Well maybe you should not be flashing a custom ROM.
It’s NUKED as it should be!

6) As always, I added full init.d support!
If you do not know what that is… ignore it.
For geeks that want to use it. It is there!

7) Gameloft fix. This fixes Gameloft games from crashing to the desktop.
Many of them do not run and crash to the desktop. This is due to a license check based on the
device. That is now fixed.
I use the game Asphault 7 or wonder zoo to test this patch. They now work.
Special thanks to Christian Troy for inventing this fix. I modded it for this ROM.

8) Phone carrier fix for Google Market unlock (more APPs show up).
For some reason this was not built in like other stock ROMs.

9) Build.prop edit to open up the Google Play store to APPs that normally say “not compatible”.
I am spoofing a Samsung device that will show almost any APP as compatible.
Your device will now NOT show up as a Prometheus device to Google Play!
Understand this please.
I also left the original build.prop in the ROM called build.orig.
If you want to go back, just use ES FIle Explorer or a root file explorer and rename build.prop
to build.old
Then rename build.orig to build.prop.
Go into settings, apps, all and go into the Google Play app. Clear the cache and data.

10) I Fixed the ugly default wallpaper.
I hope you like my basic carbon fiber look better?
To me it looks better on a TV screen.

11) I fixed launcher dock. Missing icons and spaces. That is now reorganized to be CLEAN.

I added some bonus APPs:

12) I added fullscreen APP. Tired of that bottom status bar in your way?
Well this APP will help you get rid of it WHEN you want!
Note: On first boot you’re going to get asked for root OK for this APP.
Just agree.
If you don’t want this APP. You are rooted so just remove it from /system/app/

13) Ummmm crap…. I did some other stuff but after 4 days of tweaking,
sorry, I do not remember it all now Custom Rom for Tronsmart Promethues is finally coming!!!

Finally…. SPEED is what I am about. I think you folks will like this ROM for that reason!
I think this is the most tuned ROM I can make at this time.
Again it’s been a year since I did a AMLogic ROM and tweaked like I have.
I did in fact spend 3 days working on this.
2 days were relearning 4.2.2 and AML ROMs all over again.


Firmware Download  link CLICK HERE

Geekbuying Blog


  1. Mohan Lakshmanan

    Hi there,

    give me the procedure how to flash it.

  2. Avatar photo

    the flash instruction is in the download file, and it is also the same as you flash the stock rom 🙂

  3. Does this work for us that can Flash Android V4.2.1-Beta, but the last V4.2.2 Release fails.


  4. No fix for bluetooth?

  5. Avatar photo

    need to use bluetooth dongle to work.

  6. Yes i know, and i have a dongle and it is still not working….a lot of people reported it not working on the previous firmware