Hyundai T7 Get Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Upgrade, Beta Firmware Download Here
Computers & Tablets

Hyundai T7 Get Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Upgrade, Beta Firmware Download Here

Hyundai T7, A great 7 inch Tablet pc which base on Samsung Exynos 4412 quad core chip, and build in bluetooth, GPS.  Now Hyundai-digital company release a beta firmware for Hyundai T7. You can get it here:

and follow this upgrade instruction:


Screenshot after you made the upgrade:

Hyundai T7 Get Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Upgrade, Beta Firmware Download Here

Hyundai T7 Get Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Upgrade, Beta Firmware Download Here

Becase it is only Beta firmware, still have some bugs, factory is working hard to fix the bugs, and if you want to flash back to the stock firmware, here you go:

Now We have got a OEM version for Hyundai T7, only have no that logos, and everything eles is the same as hyundai t7, the price is only $150 with worldwide free shipping.


If you are interested, you can buy it here




Geekbuying Blog


  1. DancesWithRobots

    I don’t suppose this would be safe for T7s?

  2. Avatar photo

    Yes, T7s android 4.2 beta firmware will release later. this firmware just for T7.

  3. But for Hyundai T10? When?

  4. Avatar photo

    They are working on it, once the factory release, we will give the firmware download link. stay tuned with us.

  5. hi
    I have a Tablet HYUNDAI t7
    20% no touch screen
    Rows 2 and 3 above
    I was just testing to factory state
    What should I do?

  6. The links for downloads no working
    Thank’s for your assistance

  7. Another question , it’s rooted rom?

  8. The first tablet should be root?