TV Boxes & Mini PCs

More News for Tronsmart T428 Quad Core MINI PC + ROOT Method + Stock Firmware Release

Hi guys:

We have introduced the Tronsmart T428 which is the first RK3188 quad core mini pc, today we get much more news for it.

Now they have added the wifi antenna and the Heatsink for Tronsmart T428, and the wifi has improved a lot , also bluetooth working also.

I am really excited to see this improve, i hope they can give us a really great quad core mini pc.


Table of Contents

About ROOT:

We have worked out the regular way to root RK3188 base device, it also worked on tronsmart t428. more detail ,please check here


About Firmware

and we get the stock beta firmware for Tronsmart T428, here it is:


Thanks to freaktab users, you can now download this stock Android 4.1.1 Firmware here

It has different img file on this folder, you should use the following tool to install it:


For those ROM Developer, you can go to check this stock rom first, and ready for a nice custom roms 🙂


GeekBuying Team


Geekbuying Blog


  1. What wifi/bluetooth chip are they using on the T428 ? I know it’s a Broadcomm model but what is the reference ?

    Thank you.

  2. I think is the same we have on x5 or mk808b, that is the rk903

  3. Avatar photo

    no,it’s not the same, i have’t got the detail model, but please notice, the RK3188 device use Broadcomm AP6630,however, the mk808b or X5 use the Broadcomm 4330, as far as i know, the 6630 is the newest from Broadcomm,it is more powerful than 4330,and should support 802.11ac. google for more information.

  4. I can’t find the AP6630 reference on google. Could you provide me a link to it ? Thank you

  5. It is an AP6330 wifi controller, (see pcb pic)