Computers & Tablets

PiPo MAX M9 Quad Core Tablet PC Custom Rom with ROOTED

Hi guys:

Pipo MAX M9 will release to market in these days, we have worked out a custom rom base on the stock rom on pipo site, here is the changelog:

1 come with rooted;

2 improve wifi

Here is the custom rom download link:

You should use the flash tool here

and if you don’t know how to upgrade, check here

Geekbuying Blog


  1. Hi,
    First of all, -Thanks for your effort with this custom rom.
    Is this Rom built from the early pipo firmware (20130309) or the latest version (20130319). Need to know before I flash, I have the m9 with the “new” screen and latest firmware…
    I would appreciate a response with the information I need very much =)
    Best Regards

  2. I flashed this rooted rom. It’s early pipo firmware (20130309).

    But I have another question. I can install driver for rom flash, usb storage but NOT for adb interface. So that I cannot debug for the tablet. Any advice or new driver ?

    It’s a problem exists before. I know this is no relate to this released rom.