TV Boxes & Mini PCs

iMito MX1/2 – Finless ROM 1.7 – BETA BIG THANKS TO BOB

Hi guys:

This rom is coming from bob, we really need to say thank you for his hard working on these mini pcs.

This rom is a totally custom rom for original iMito MX1/ iMito MX2 which sold by GeekBuying, already tested by our staff.

Here is what bob talking:

This is a BETA TEST ROM!
While I am pretty confident in it, you will be crash test dummies. I have tested it the best I can. There is a good chance this will become the launcher version but for now I need people to test it and provide feedback.

So why 2 versions?
Imito released a new ROM Feb. 2013. It is suppose to make wifi better. I personally do not see it.
The new 720P kernel will work with wifi system drivers and boot.img from previous ROMs. But not the other way around! e.g. the new wifi system drivers and boot.img will not work with previous kernels. Thus unless I do 2 versions you will not have 1080P in this ROM.

My 1.7a uses wifi/BT drivers and boot.img declarations from the previous Imito ROM. For 720P it uses the new Feb 4th kernel. For 1080P it uses the Imito kernel from Dec. 2012.

My 1.7b is pure for wifi fix from Imito. It uses the latest Feb 2013 wifi system drivers / boot.img declarations and the new 720P kernel. However as I said, in 1.7b there is no 1080P kernel supplied because wifi will not work with these new drivers and old kernels. Why Imito only released a 720 kernel for this new release is beyond me!

Thus 2 releases. You guys can choose which is best. It might solve wifi issues for some people.
PERSONALLY duing a crap load of testing, I find the “mix” I made to be better! Wifi analyser shows a better siganl with 1.7a then 1.7b. But again, if you must have true 1080P kernel, then your stuck with 1.7a. My choice is 1.7a for my MX1.

OK enough of all that, on with whats in the new ROM.


Features and release notes for my 1.7 ROM:

This is an enterly new system. This is not much from the original Imito MX ROM in this as fas as system goes.
Many features from my 1.5 ROM are of course in this along with new features.

1) New “auto hide” status bar! To enable this go into settings>Display and turn it on.
Now anytime you run an APP it will automatically hide the status bar. Please note, some badly written APPs
can leave you in a stuck condition that you cannot exit the APP. You will need you keyoard exit key.

2) While you in settings>display there is another feature to force the settings menu icon in the status bar.
It is 3 dots vertically. NOw anytime you in a APP that has a settings capability, if you click that you get settings!

3) Lock screen is back friends! Now is settings>security you can
a) Disable the lock screen completely (default is slide)
b) Setup a pattern for lock screen
c) Setup a PIN for lock screen
d) Setup a password for lock screen

4) Sleep is back like a tablet!!!! Go into settings>display and you can turn on sleep!
Now understand how this works
a) If there is no wifi or ehternet connection the Imito MX when it goes to sleep will power off.
b) If there is a connection, it will simple go into low power mode and turn the display off. Moving the mouse turns it back on again

5) I enabled location services. This is now in the settings menu. Tested and working with all APPs that use it.
remember to turn off GPS as we have no GPS.

6) New “grid” style launcher available as a choice of launcehrs.
Some people still want the Alternate launcher that comes with many TV sticks for EZ TV use.
I took this from the Neo X5 ROM as I liked it better than previous versions. This of course comes with the RK settings as well.
If you want to remove this just use ES File explorer and delete these files from /system/app
Now just reboot and all this will be gone.

7) Gameloft fix. This fixes Gameloft games from crashing to the desktop.
Many of them do not run and crash to the desktop. This is due to a license check based on the device.
Special thanks to Christian Troy for inventing this fix. I modded it for this ROM.

8) Build.prop edit to open up the Google Play store to APPs that normally say “not compatible”.
I am spoofing a Samsung device that will show almost any APP as compatible.
Your device will show up in google play as NOT a Imito MX device! Understand this please.
I also left the original buiild.prop in the ROM called build.orig.
If you want to go back, just use ES FIle Explorer or a root file explorer and rename build.prop to build.old
Then rename build.orig to build.prop.
Go into settings, apps, all and go into the Google Play app. Clear the cache and data.
Reboot! You should be back to showing up as a Imito.

9) Rockchip just released a updated to try and fix HW decoding issues in XBMC.
Ihadd added this ot the ROM but have not fully tested it yet.
See info here regarding this new library.…756#pid1345756

10) As always, full init.d support! If you do not know what that is… ignore it. For geeks that want to use it. It is there!

11) RK Mirrioring is enabled. I have yet to figure it out or how to use it but if we ever do, its there.
I think we need a client on our tablets to use it. Hopefully more info will come from WiMo about this.

12) Remote Control using RK Remote APP is now fully supported!
In the ROM kit is a RKRemoteControl.apk.
You install this on your phone or tablet and now it can remotly control your TV player!
Just put the APK on sdcard or something and install it on your Android phone, tablet, etc.
ENJOY this one! I had a HARD TIME getting it to work!

13) I added a reboot APP that will allow optional reboot options like reboot to bootloader (flash mode).

14) As always I added the Xbox XPAD.KO module is now injected on boot. This was by request! Enjoy!

15) I added Xbox360 keylayout to fix some games and camera spin with xbox 360 controller. Per this post here:….php?t=1792531

16) TUN.ko module is also added by request. (CIFS and MD4 are already in the latest kernel).
Be aware if you use another kernel other than whats in this ROM, you may have to manuall insmod CIFS and MD4. The files are in /system/lib/modules


OK as always for even more details ALWAYS read the README in the ROM kit.
It explains your flash options for 720, 1080, and amount of APP space you want.

Here is my Finless 1.7a:
ROM -> Imito MX1&2 Finless 1.7a ROM (250 megs)

Here is my FInless 1.7b:
ROM -> Imito MX1&2 Finless 1.7b ROM (250 megs)

Geekbuying Blog


  1. Great ROM, you may not be able to connect WiFi on first boot, so reboot it again it will showup. Overall works fine and smooth.

  2. Nice work Bob, thank you so much 🙂

    Are there any performance improvements?

  3. Hi Geekbuying Admin,

    Is there any chance we will see an updated 1080p enabled factory firmware build that can be installed via the MicroSD chip?

    It looks like Bob doesn’t have all the code he needs to build a new 1080p firmware image with all the other latest fixes (new wireless code, ability to build a MicroSD Card upgrade image, etc). If the factory won’t release a 1080p build then can you at least get the factory to give Bob all the code he needs to generate full feature enabled versions of his builds.


  4. Hello,
    I just inform you links are changed!
    the correct links are:
    (Just remove “_beta”)

    ciao simone

  5. Try to follow the installation from README to flash my new MX2 on Windows XP but stuck at this step:
    Driver install:
    1) Now that we are in ROM flash mode as above, Windows should now have a new device found and it will be unknown.
    2) Open the device manager in control panel. You should see a device listed as unknown with a yellow symbol in it.
    Actually the device is booted into flash mode, but Windows didn’t detect a new device as mentioned and I couldn’t install the driver. And after a while (1′), it automatically reboot in normal mode.

    Thank you for any hint

  6. Hi, I have bricked my imito mx2 and have only black screen. Can anyone help me ?

  7. Hi Geekbuying Admin,

    Are you still looking at this thread?

    Can you please respond to the question of a 1080p build. Also, can you assist Bob with the code he needs to improve his 1.7 builds.


  8. Don’t waste your time by upgrading from the official imito 1080p rom. You will not get any boost of performance.I don’t really see the point of experimenting with the stable official rom .

  9. I’m taking my words back ! Thanks Bob for you hard work making this excellent rom ! Fast and smooth ! Thank you !

  10. This rom works great on my UG007 while the one that’s supposed to be for that model just makes it hang and not boot. Weird. Only problem is it says the device is a GT-I9100 but otherwise seems to run OK.

  11. I probably shouldn’t complain since it works but why does this ROM have a Lock screen? Is there some way to remove it or turn it off? It seems out of place on a set top box and since the Bluetooth mouse hasn’t started yet I can’t swipe it out of the way.

  12. I was able to get this one working by connecting a USB mouse so I could remove the lock screen. I still don’t understand why it says the device is a Samsung phone though.