TV Boxes & Mini PCs

UG007 tv box lastest firmware release Pre-rooted, “market fix”, “xbmc supported”, fixes some wifi negotiation issues. Jellybean 4.1.1.

Hi guys:

this is a new firmware for UG007, not official release from factory.

t fixes the market, roots the stick, supports xbmc(still do not support hardware decoding), fixes some wifi negotiation issues.
If you get any ‘force close’ issues, please do a factory reset to wipe data.

firmware download link:

Upgrade instruction:

Download the file;
UNZIP the ZIP to get an ‘’
Copy this ‘’ to a TF card
Stick the TF card into the UG007
The UG007 will recognize the as authentic, and prompt you to upgrade.
Accept the upgrade.
Wait while the file is copied, and the stick reboots into recovery
Watch the droid in recovery for a bit and go have a glass of wine.
The system will reboot normally and return to the normal state

Geekbuying Blog


  1. Is ok.
    Not fix Mac Address change.

  2. I fix mac address to update wlan.ko on
    1) Download
    2) unzip to microsd
    3) use file manager root
    4) rename wkan.ko to wlan.ko.old on /system/lib/modules
    5) copy on microsd wlan.ko in /system/lib/modules
    6) reboot

    tested OK

  3. Mine doesn’t want to get updated. Icopy de update to the TF, then it recognizes the new ROM, reboots, recovery for a while, reboots again and after the reboot finishes it sais that the update was a failiure.

    Shall I need to do something special before the update?

  4. Ok, I finally updated the firmware. must be placed IN THE INTERNAL sd card, not in the external TF card as the article suggests.

    Now I’m going to try pumidru’s mac fix. 🙂

  5. Firmware went well, no issues.
    Unable to get MAC issue fixed, it doesn’t allow me to rename or copy file to the /system/lib/modules directory.
    Can anyone help

  6. Use file manager root
    set folder on R/W (write) default is R/O
    rename files on wlan.ko.old

  7. Avatar photo

    thanks for the report, we will try to check how to fix it.

  8. Has anyone tried this ROM and been able to get it to work and not just freeze while booting?