Shopping Carnival is coming and we set some commission incentives for our Affiliate Partners.
Commission Rate increasing
All affiliate partners will get a 1% commission increasing in Nov.
Besides the default 1% commission increasing, affiliates who can display our activity banners in their channels will get a 1% more commission increasing during the activity. For affiliates who are still enjoying the banner commission increasing, commission rates cannot be superimposed.
Affiliates who can help us make activity videos or live streaming on their channels can get a 3% commission increasing based on our default commission rate.
Details are attached below.
Sales Target Achieving Reward
For affiliates who can reach a gross sale of $20000 can get a 1% commission increasing based on their original commission rate in Dec.
For affiliates who can reach a gross sale of $40000 can get a 2% commission increasing based on their original commission rate in Dec.
Sales Growth Bonus
All affiliates can get the corresponding bonus according to their sales growth, details are attached below.
For new affiliates who joined in Nov and reach a gross sale of $100 can get a $10 one-time bonus.
For all affiliates who have a sales growth of $2000 can get a $20 one-time bonus.
For all affiliates who have a sales growth of $5000 can get a $50 one-time bonus.
For all affiliates who have a sales growth of $10000 can get a $150 one-time bonus.
For all affiliates who have a sales growth of $15000 can get a $300 one-time bonus.
For all affiliates who have a sales growth of $20000 can get a $500 one-time bonus.
Registration Bonus
For affiliates who join our in-house affiliate network in Nov can get a $10 Signup Bonus.
Affiliate Exclusive Discount
$15 off $150 min spend with the coupon: AFF11SALE15
$30 off $350 min spend with the coupon: AFF11SALE30
(Special products are excluded. Valid time: Nov 8th, 2021 ~ Nov 15th, 2021)
10% Commission for Selected items
The commission of ENGWE EP-2 Pro Bicycle will be increased to 10% from Nov 3th, 2021 to Nov 30th, 2021.
And please don’t forget that the commission of selected Jimmy cleaners is 10% on Nov too. Please check more details through the blog.
Please contact your affiliate managers to learn more details about the incentives if you have any questions about them.
Good luck!