You can check orders status by Commissions Report from your account of Geekbuying in-house.
As the above screenshot shows, the default option for commission report is “approved”, but you can choose status selection by “all”, “pending”, “paid” or “cancel’ by yourself.
The previous months’ orders will be monthly updated about the 10th of each month, so most of commissions would be on pending status about 30 days.
If without full refund, all of pending orders will be monthly updated to be approved.
Considering the full refund or order cancellation can be there for anytime once an order produced at Geekbuying, approved orders can be updated to be declined for full refund before withdrawal.
If you finished 100 orders’ commissions withdrawal last month, but 20 orders got full refund, so the corresponding 20 orders’ commissions will be deducted from your withdrawal of this month for the commission status update.
If full refund occurred after orders withdrawal finished during 3 months, debit will be there for your following withdrawal.
The order status synchronization automatically update process will be there soon, which is on our update list now.
Feel free to contact us by, if any questions on Geekbuying in-house program .