What is IPL?
- IPL means a laser to remove the skin surface of melanin, is shorthand for Intense Pulsed Light,It is non-reactive gas element for the purposes of the implementation of the laser light source.
- Generally the 420nm ~ 950nm wavelength of light made several strong form, regularly released in the same time on the skin exposure, the pigmentation, pores, capillaries and so on. Overall improvement in skin treatment light therapy, recently applied IPL efficacy, use in skin care and hair removal and so on.
Repair theory of IPL skin problems
- IPL light irradiation caused skin problems in parts (melanin or capillaries, etc.) after the light energy into heat energy to the site of skin problems and treatment.
- IPL just only black tone reflects in part the impact of the site is not only a skin problem that impairs normal skin. Almost no damage to the skin.
Theory of IPL depilatory
IPL hair removal is the primary and near-infrared wavelengths with centralized in melanin, which is irradiated by light rays on the surface of the skin, hair roots and focus on the instantaneous high heat. However, melanin is not only in the hair roots and scattered in the whole place in the skin.
In order not to raise the temperature of the hair root rather than to attack the root of the hair melanin require a number ofconditions, the duration of the light 1Shot need 10ms or more. This is called Long Pulse. If 5ms following irradiation shed fulllight on the melanin in the skin damage distributions will be subject to severe burns and may leave a white mark.
Having a wavelength of 1,000nm or less easily absorbed nature black. Black is alleged in the skin itself comes with melanin. Take advantage of this development is that the nature of the laser or IPL hair removal machine.
The shorter the wavelength, the higher the degree of absorption of melanin, but also increase the sensitivity of the skin andaffect the normal melanin inside and 500 ~ 600nm part is likely to cause vascular damage is absorbed by hemoglobin in red blood cells contain.
The degree of melanin will reduce when absorption at a wavelength longer than 1,000nm.
Melanin is meant to absorb high burn easily, in order to prevent burns to make the effect of the weak absorption Vernacular needs to be exposed several times higher than normal light, thus the need for additional equipment will need to output and cooling equipment. And follow a lot of pain.
Currently using -with the middle of the two wavelengths Alexandrite (Alexandrite stone), diode laser, IPL way into the mainstream.
Family used IPL devices
- Small machines, suitable for families. But the prices are more affordable areas (about 2,128.82 -3,649.41 RMB).
- Does not require specialized knowledge, easy to operate.
- IPL light output is approximately 21J ~ 24J safe, almost no side effects.
- Performance care, hair removal, etc. are equally high performance equipment and specialized medical institutions use.
Actual sales performance to prove the technology of our company
2011, developed the world’s first machine with IPL hair removal function, through the ODM way into the Japanese market since the customer authentication technology and quality. Continue to develop and supply DIANA, Hikari EPI, EPI NAD products, during the period from August 2011 to April 2014 the breakthrough in cumulative sales volume of 68,000 units.
Especially Hikari EPI products are mounted on Japan’s largest Internet market website ‘Lotte’ section of IPL hair removal ranked third, to prove the product’s price and excellence.
Excellent quality of our new products
- Elegant design, small, lightweight portable.
- Era’s proprietary technology base force under the Company researchers have developed excellent performance, significantly reduce costs.
- From simple to operate and easy to use home to the functional differentiation of finer salons and other types of specialized machinery.
1. Before and after comparison diagram(leg)
2. Before and after comparison diagram ( the back of the hand )
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