TV Boxes & Mini PCs

How to connect Google Nexus Device to Tronsmart T1000?

To connect your Google Nexus device (including Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7  and Nexus 10) to your Tronsmart T1000, please follow the steps below:

1 Plug in your Tronsmart T1000 to your power outlet and connect the HDMI cable to your TV.

How to connect Google Nexus Device to Tronsmart T1000?


2 Turn on your TV and select the correct HMDI input source.

3 Download the EZcast APP from Google Play store, and install it.

4 open your nexus wifi setting, and connect to Tronsmart_XXXXXX SSID.

5 Run Ezcast APP, and choose EZMirror will see the following on your TV

6 On your Google Nexus Device, go to Apps and tap on Settings.

<br/><a href="" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>

7 Once in the Settings window, tap the Display icon. Tap on Wireless Display to turn it on.

<br/><a href="" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a><br/><a href="" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>

8 You will see the Paired displays and Available devices to connect to. Make sure the ON button is enabled to see the wireless displays available. Tap the Search for Displays to refresh the available devices to connect to.

9 Connect to the Tronsmart T1000. Wait for it to say Connected under the selected device (Tronsmart T1000).

10 To disconnect, just tap the device it is connected to and a pop-up window will appear prompting if you want to disconect or cancel. Click on OK to proceed.



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