CX-803 Dual Core Android Mini PC Get 1080P Custom Rom Support
TV Boxes & Mini PCs

CX-803 Dual Core Android Mini PC Get 1080P Custom Rom Support

CX-803, a rk3066 dual core mini pc which come with external wifi antenna. Recently, our friends just help us to make a 1080P custom rom for this CX-803.

Please notice:

A 1080 kernel will have much more overhead! It is drawing much more pixels on the screen.
So this kernel is ONLY for people that insist on have true 1080P and are willing to see a performance degradation.

How to install?

First you should follow this instruction and install the 1.7 custom rom on those cx-803 mini pc.


Second, you should go to here to download the newest 1080 kernel for cx-803.

And there is a fully readme file in the download kernel file, you just need to flash the boot, and kernel, and then you will get a real 1080p firmware on cx-803.

We have tested, and it can work, here is some screenshot

CX-803 Dual Core Android Mini PC Get 1080P Custom Rom Support

CX-803 Dual Core Android Mini PC Get 1080P Custom Rom Support

Geekbuying Blog

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