Firmware & Downloads

[ROM DOWNLOAD] Official Android 4.4 Kitkat firmware for Q7 tv box with ap6210 wifi module

HI Guys:

I just got a little time to update some firmware for you. The first one is for the Q7 TV BOX:–Black-324259.html

Q7 tv box should be the cheapst rk3188t quad core tv box in market. but there are also a lot of simialr model with same case, like T-R42,CS918,MK918 Etc, I have written the following post to help people know what they get, so they can flash the correct firmware,(you can check the post here) Now this firmware is just for the Q7 tv box with RTL8188 wifi module don’t flash it in other device.

Firmware download link

Just click the 下载 BUTTON to finish the download. (Sorry,i haven’t got time to upload to other place, the download speed should be a little slow, but it can be downloaded)

This is the official android 4.4 kitkat firmware, without rooted

Firmware update instruction should be the same as this:


In the end, get the Q7 here:–Black-324259.html

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  1. Why do you say it is for the Q7 with AP6210 Wifi Module when at these links:–Black-324259.html

    The Q7 is refered to only be produced only with the RTL8188EUS WIFI chip.

    Will it work on the Q7 with the RTL8188EUS or not?

  2. HI,it’s my fault, it should work on the Q7 with RTL8188. i would fix the post right now.

  3. Thanks for the prompt answer.

    Since this ROM isn’t rooted (and the original is) is there any tutorial to root this 4.4 rom?

  4. I just installed the new version and used RootGenius to root it.
    Seems ok so far.

  5. Thanks, it worked fine.

  6. You are welcome. thanks for your feedback.

  7. Can you please tell how to download, there are more buttons after what you mentioned! Thanks!

    UPDATE: it is working, thanks!! I will try to refresh an xt-q7-v10 . Hope it is suitable 🙂

  8. Eric, please change header of this topic. Header like this disorient readers. Since you claim this firmware intended for boards with RTL8188 but not AP6210, then the headline should match this. TIA

  9. Fabio Alexandre Borean

    I have installed it on my device, Q7. Works fine, my bluetooth works now, and wifi, lan, etc. But how can I root it now?

  10. Hi there I received my android box yesterday. It was running ok but had some things that weren’t working, as well as Chinese programming. I attempted it flash it with a updated kit kat rom 4.4, as it had 4.2. My box says smart multimedia player on the back model q7. It is a quad core,2 gigs, and I believe I bricked the device. Im looking to restore the stock firmware and have not been able to find it or unbrick my device successfully. Is there any insight ? can anyone help me bring this device back to life ?

  11. Unable to download. Any other link?

  12. I downloaded the q7 firmware and flashed it using the rockchip batch tool 1.7. Upgrade is success and device resets to recovery mode. After that device is continuously resetting at the logo “GLBOX HD300”. Please help.